Monday, August 28, 2006

I have a question.

I hear this statement daily. When I do, my knees start to wobble and occasionally I break out in a cold sweat! "What now?!" I think to myself. "What could you possibly want to ask that you haven't already?!"

So, I thought I'd throw some of these questions to the blog to see if you can give any more satisfactory responses than I seem to mumble!

Feel free to add illustrations that may be new, creative and different.

And now, for today's question:
If jealousy is a sin, why does the Bible describe God as a jealous god?

(also along those lines is statements such as 'Jesus sinned because he got angry in the temple.')


FYI: We were talking about the Messiah in a class today and one student excitedly exclaimed, "Oh! That's like the big one on the Lion King!" to which I replied, "No, hon. That's MUFASAH. Slightly different." During that same lesson we were watching a clip from the Jesus video and another student asked, "Is that really Jesus acting in this?" ... ahh!


At 4:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is jealousy a sin? A quick search of the ESV bible makes it look like jealousy is not in any list of sins. may be helpful. (Click the link to see some definitions of jealous.)

Maybe there is some confusion between jealousy that is covetous (e.g. jealously coveting your neighbours ass) and jealousy that is fiercely guarding of something that is dear.

At 5:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I add one from today's RE lesson?

If murder is a sin, isn't God a sinner because he sent Jesus to earth to be killed?


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